Get to know the winners #OC1: PROXIMA


Team: BSD design (

Proposal Acronym: PROXIMA

Proposal Title: Proximity Machinery through Distributed Augmented Reality HMI Layers for Empowering Industrial operators in Low Resources Scenarios

Proposal Summary: In order for the training to support the Resilient Operator 5.0 and its smart workspace visions, the EU industry training ought to implement effective, sustainable, and replicable human-centered educational scenarios taking the shopfloor technicians/operators in-the-loop or on-the-loop. Based on cognitive ergonomics and human factors research, PROXIMA will bring psychological factors at the heart of education in industry and will develop an Augmented Reality (AR) training kit for supporting contextual, site-specific, and on-the-job training through technology, methods and materials for both educators and trainees in the industry. In particular, PROXIMA will design, develop, prototype, validate and release an Augmented Reality (AR) Training Kit that seamlessly integrates the following services: spatial guidance to the production environment; machine and equipment training; hazard identification, through virtual simulations and real-time on-field and contextual guidance on its use. Based on this, the innovation of PROXIMA resides in the following values: (i) Worker centricity – the investigation on users’ psychological (knowledge, skills, and attitude towards automation), and cognitive dimensions (inspection, awareness, decision-making) will allow making the trainees next to the machine (lat. proximus (a): close to, intimate); (ii) Augmented Reality training authoring – the smart tutoring system will be used by trainers to make the machine next to the trainees (lat. proximus (b): evident, ready-at-hand); (iii) Context intelligent training – trainees will be engaged in on-field AR interactions that sense and respond to the environment allowing to exercise with relevant situations that may occur during production.



Country: Italy :it:

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Another step forward for PROXIMA!

:pushpin:The team conducted a new testing session with an Italian motorcycle manufacturer to validate the versatility of the Xtendit toolkit in different contexts. The session was successful, allowing us to collect valuable feedback and insights!

Here the link: PROXIMA XR on LinkedIn: #xr2learn #xr #extendedreality #hmi #design

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As the Admin mentioned, we brought together 38 trainees and apprentices for a hands-on exploration of modular robotized cells. The event was a collaborative effort between the BSD Design and the Unibo team, led by Margherita Peruzzini.
Our tests offered a structured yet immersive environment, allowing the trainees to experience innovative solutions while providing valuable insights for further development.
And we learnt a lot! Stay tuned for more updates!


Sara is right, we have learned a lot from the tests with the apprentices! Another interesting scenario in which we had the opportunity to test the solution is that of motorcycle design. Together with our other project partners, we involved a company that is distinguished by methods closely linked to craftsmanship and that produces motorcycles of high technological level and innovation. In the tests we involved some of their technicians and it was interesting to imagine together with them, new uses of the X-tendit kit beyond the more usual scenario of training! We will keep you updated!

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Looking forward to receiving your update! :star2: