#OpenCall2 - Networking and Consortuim

Dear XR Innovators

:hourglass_flowing_sand: :trophy:Open Call 2 is running and we’d like to give you a spot where to connect and networking.

Are you developing innovative XR applications for education and training? Do you need to join a consortium to collaborate and expand your project?

Here you may find a dedicated thread dedicated to the opportunity to connect with new partners for creating your consortia!

Feel free to share, contribute, and connect on this thread as we grow together in the XR2Learn community
Infoday opencall

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Hi! I am Beatriz Zambrano, COO of MetaMedicsVR.
We specialise in developing training tools for educators :slight_smile:
I would love to connect with fellow enthusiasts Beatriz Zambrano Serrano - MetaMedics VR | LinkedIn