Trends on: Rise of Mixed Reality (MR)

Rise of Mixed Reality (MR): As hardware improves, mixed reality applications are gaining traction, allowing users to interact with both virtual and real-world elements seamlessly.

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There is a lot of new mixed reality applications - also on PICO.
My question is: is mixed reality a good idea for classrooms?

While it can help with social interaction, it also combines some factors that might not be so great.
After all a full classroom can be complex to manage. In VR the students block out distractions and can work on many interesting topics - alone or together.
However in Mixed Reality, there are the normal distractions + added excitement of 20-30 students wearing a VR headset and seeing each other + digital learning elements.
What do you think about this combination?

What are your favorite scenarios for mixed reality in schools?


Good hint!

I think mixed reality can be useful in the classroom if it is well balanced with other activities + a dedicated class of “emotional education”.
The world is now a place where technology is literaly everywhere, and compared to the past 15 years, there was an evolution in the educational pathway - starting from children to long-life learning.
For example, some schools have integrated the ‘backpack-free classroom’ into their educational pathway, which means that students are allowed to learn without books or traditional materials because the learning pathway is now 100% technology-based.
There are mixed educational programme but there are also schools that are very restrictive in the use of technology and even ban the use of phones during lessons.

One of the most important things for me is the possibility of also introducing a class that educates children/students/adults in the use of Mixed reality and to control the use of feelings.

The concept of emotional intelligence introduced in 1995 by Goleman needs to be applied even more now that technology is evolving and the stimulus in education is much greater; an additional effort to control and learn emotions could help to better control and manage these emotions, as well as to allow the use of developmentally useful educational technologies. :technologist: :rocket:

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